Media Mutations 05
Ephemeral Media. Time, Persistence and Transience in Contemporary Screen Culture
Bologna, Dipartimento delle Arti– Salone Marescotti, May, 21st-22nd 2013
Organized by Sara Pesce, with Paul Grainge and Roberta Pearson.
The focus on paratexts gives rise to broader concerns with the temporalities of media within the digital environment, and specifically the duration and circulation of media objects. New regimes of memory and attention may be arising within the digital mediascape. The conference therefore considers the cultural life of paratexts, raising questions concerning: the way paratexts produce changes within media ecosystems; the role of short-form content within media culture; the relationship of paratexts to cultural memory and nostalgia; the means of studying texts that fall outside the analytic focus of film and broadcast archives.
Tuesday 21
14.00 Welcoming address (Guglielmo Pescatore, Dipartimento delle Arti sez. Cinema, Università di Bologna)
14.15 Introduction (Sara Pesce and Paul Grainge)
14.45 About MM4 proceedings: Claudio Bisoni, Veronica Innocenti (a cura di), Gli ecosistemi narrativi nello scenario mediale contemporaneo. Spazi, modelli, usi sociali, Modena, Mucchi, 2013
1. Producing Paratexts: Media and Market Perspectives (Chair: Mariagrazia Fanchi)
15.00 Jennifer Gillan (Bentley University), “Short-form and Short-term Brandcasting: 1950s and Now”
15.20 Paul Grainge (University of Nottingham), “Animating the Olympics: Promotion, Paratexts and Live Media Events”
15.40 Paola Brembilla (Università di Bologna), “The Institutional Fan-Made Paratext: The Case of The Van Der Memes”
2. Temporal Regimes and Cultural Constructions: Case Studies in Paratextual Media (Chair: Jonathan Gray)
16.45 Stephanie Janes (Royal Holloway, University of London), “‘You Had to Be There’ – ARGs and Multiple Durational Temporalities”
17.05 Kim Walden (University of Hertfordshire), “Nostalgia for the Future. How Tron: Legacy’s Transmedia Campaign Rebooted the Franchise”
17.25 Marta Boni (Concordia University), “Poaching Reloaded. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: Paratexts in a Flexible World”
18.15 Presentations
«Cinéma & Cie. International Film Studies Journal», XVIII, 2012 (Valentina Re)
«Théorème», XVII, 2013 Networking Images. Approches interdisciplinaires des images en réseaux (Marta Boni)
Wednesday 22
9.30 Keynote: Jonathan Gray, “Paratextual Politics”
1. Reconsidering Paratexts as a Category (Chair: Giovanni Boccia Artieri)
11.10 Valentina Re (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia), “Attraversare la soglia. Paratesto, immanenza plurale, narrazioni transmediali”
11.30 Giulio Lughi (Università di Torino), “Paratexts in Digital Media”
11.50 Chiara Grizzaffi (Università IULM, Milano), “The Analysis of Film in the Digital Age: Online Video Essays”
12.10 Enrica Picarelli (Leuphana University),“Critical Reflection: Acoustic Paratextuality and Ephemeral Holosonics”
14.20 Book Presentation
Enrico Menduni (Università Roma Tre), Entertainment. Spettacoli, centri commerciali, talk show, parchi a tema, social network, Bologna, il Mulino, 2013
Discussant: Roberto Grandi (Università di Bologna)
2. Film Culture and Beyond (Chair: Michele Fadda)
15.20 Fabrice Lyczba (University of Paris Est Créteil), “The Living Realities of Romance: Playing with the Illusion of Reality in 1920s Film Reception Paratexts”
15.40 Roy Menarini (Università di Udine), “From Cinephilia to Mediaphilia: The Special Relationship between Film Culture and the New Media Landscape”
16.00 Ed Vollans (University of East Anglia), “Trailers Are Following Me: Studying, Contemporary ‘Trailers’”
3. Paratexts, Interfaces and Gameplay (Chair: Enrico Menduni)
17.10 Luca Rosati (Università per Stranieri di Perugia), Italo Marconi (Ubiquity, Milano), “Pinterest e la crisi del paratesto”
17.30 Rosamund Davies (University of Greenwich), “Replaying the Sims – Gameplay Narration as Paratext”
17.50 Anton Varinsky (Goldsmiths, University of London), “Everting Secrecy – The Curious Case of DVD Easter Eggs”